Heute fand ich einen Blogpost zum Thema "Anti Kater Mittel" (Ausschnitt siehe unten), und ich bitte dazu um die Meinung unseres Chief-Chemikers Dr. (in spe) Simon.
Um einem Kater Beine zu machen wird das essen von Honigtoast empfohlen. Der gesamte Artikel ist hier.
The Royal Society of Chemistry put their best minds to the task of evaluating the pros and cons of cures like the Bloody Mary, cold pizza, and sauerkraut (Huh? Were they still drunk?), and found that the best cure is natural honey on toast. Their logic is as follows:
When you consume alcohol, it is converted to acetaldehyde by the liver. To ease this toxic substance out of the body, says Dr. John Elmsly of the Royal Society, you need fructose to convert it into acetic acid, so it can be burned by the body's normal metabolic process and breathed out of the body as carbon dioxide.
The honey helps the body break down the acetaldehyde and the bread adds potassium and sodium, which help the body deal with the stress of the alcohol. If worse comes to worse, Dr. Elmsly adds, you might try 'hair of the dog,' but if you need that, it means you are suffering from withdrawal, which may signal addiction issues.
Other tips include downing a glass of moo juice (like good old St. Nick) before hitting the bottle and drinking plenty of water during your binge to ward of the devil of dehydration.